Nant Peris

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Mae eglwys Sant Peris, ym mhentref Nant Peris, yn eglwys fychan canoloesol (rhestredig gradd II*). Mae’r adeilad ar agor bob dydd rhwng 11yb a 4yp. Mae llawer o bobl lleol ac ymwelwyr yn cael llonyddwch a lloches o fewn ei waliau tawel.

Cynhelir gwasanaethau yn St Peris ar y Suliau (Cymun Bendigaid neu Foreol Weddi am 9:30yb) ac ar ddyddiau Mawrth (Cymun Bendigaid neu Foreol Weddi am 11yb). Mae ceisiadau am weddiau sy’n cael eu gadael gan ymwelwyr i’r eglwys yn ystod y dydd yn cael eu darllen yn ystod gwasanaethau dydd Mawrth. Ar yr ail Sul o bob mis mae gwasanaeth teulu am 4yp sy’n cynnwys caneuon, storiau a gweithgareddau i blant.

Ein nod fel eglwys yw i fod yn weledol ac i’n defnyddio fel calon y gymuned yn Nant Peris. Mae’n gwasanaethau yn cynnwys bedyddiadau, priodasau ac angladdau ynghyd a gwyliau Diolchgarwch a gwasanaethau Nadolig a’r Pasg. ‘Rydym hefyd yn cynnal gwasanaethau arbennig, fel diolchgarwch am waith gwirfoddol Tim Achub Mynydd Eryri, sydd wedi eu lleoli yn y pentref.

Mae ffynnon sanctaidd Sant Peris ychydig gannoedd o latheni o’r eglwys, ar dir preifat ond yn agored i’r cyhoedd. Cynhelir bedyddiadau a gwasanaethau eraill wrth y ffynnon.

Mae St Peris yn cynnal cyngherddau, dramau, ffeiriau, sgyrsiau, gwyliau blodau a digwyddiadau eraill yn gyson, ond mae diffyg cyfleusterau toiled yn gallu bod yn her ar yr achlysuron hyn.Yn ffodus, ‘rydym ar delerau da iawn hefo’r dafarn drws nesa  ac yr ydym ar hyn o bryd yn codi arian tuag at doiled compost.

Cliciwch yma am fersiwn Cymraeg

St Peris’s Church, in the village of Nant Peris, is a small medieval church (listed grade II*). The building is open every day from 11.00am until 4.00pm. Many local people and visitors find peace and refuge within its quiet walls.

Services are held at St Peris’s on Sundays (Holy Eucharist or Morning Prayer at 9.30am) and Tuesdays (Holy Eucharist and Morning Prayer at 11.00am). Prayer requests left by those who come to the church during the day are offered during the Tuesday services. On the first Sunday of the month there is a family service at 4.00pm, including songs, stories and activities for children.

Our aim as a church is to be seen and used as the heart of the community of Nant Peris. Our services include baptisms, marriages and funerals, harvest festivals and Christmas and Easter services. We also hold special services, such as a thanksgiving for the voluntary work of the Snowdonia Mountain Rescue Team, who are based in the village.

The holy well of St Peris is a few hundred yards from the church, on private land but open to the public. Baptisms and other services are held at the well.

St Peris’s regularly hosts concerts, plays, fairs, talks, flower festivals and other events, although the lack of toilet facilities can be a challenge on these occasions. Fortunately, we are on very good terms with the pub next door, and we are currently raising funds for a compost toilet.

A Still Small Voice in Snowdonia

Fe ddarlledwyd y gwasanaeth a recordiwyd gan Esgob Mary a chriw y BBC yn eglwys Sant Peris ychydig wythnosau yn ol ar fore Sul, 6ed o Dachwedd am 8:10 ar Radio 4. Mi fedrwch wrando arno ar BBC Sounds. Y teitl yw ‘Sunday Worship’ gyda’r is-deitl “A Still Small Voice in Snowdonia”.Mae’r rhaglen yn rhan o gyfres o wasanaethau yn gysylltiedig gyda’r mynyddoedd uchaf yn y D.U. Mae’n cynnwys disgrifiad rhagorol gan Esgob Mary o’r eglwys a’r ardal, darlleniadau a chyfweliad gyda Barry Davies o’r Tim Achub Mynydd, cerddoriaeth telyn hyfryd, emynau Cymraeg yn cael eu canu’n ddigyfeiliant gan bedwarawd o Gôr y Gadeirlan,  a gweddiau gan Archesgob Andrew. Yn y bôn, mae’n werth gwrando arno!

The service recorded by Bishop Mary and a BBC crew in St Peris’s church a few weeks ago was broadcast on Sunday morning, 6th November 2022 at 8.10 on Radio 4. You can now listen to it on BBC Sounds. The title is Sunday Worship, with the subtitle “A Still Small Voice in Snowdonia”. 
The programme is part of a series of services associated with the highest mountains in the U.K. It includes a splendid account by Bishop Mary of the church and the area, readings and an interview with Barry Davies of the Mountain Rescue, some lovely harp music, Welsh hymns sung by an unaccompanied quartet from the Cathedral Choir, and prayers by Archbishop Andrew. All in all, it’s well worth a listen!